Frank Stella Untitled ( Concentric Square )
Felt Pen on Paper
17.05 x 22.01 in ( 43.3 x 55.9 cm )
Inquiry - Untitled ( Concentric Square ), ca.1960


Robert Elkon Gallery, New York

Phillips, London

Private Collection, Belgium

Artwork's description

Frank Stella initiated the Concentric Squares series in the 1960s. These works are characterized by perfectly interlocking concentric squares, creating a hypnotic and immersive visual effect. These works do not seek to represent an object or an emotion; they are objects in themselves, formal explorations of shape and space.


In these compositions, each square is both an independent form and a part of a whole. The overall effect created by the Concentric Squares plays on optical illusion, where the lines and colors seem to vibrate and fluctuate under the viewer's gaze.


This work illustrates Stella's philosophy that " what you see is what you see " a direct and unadorned approach to art.

The Concentric Squares mark a break from Abstract Expressionism, the do- minant movement of the time, by focusing on formal simplicity and the absence of any narrative or emotional dimension. These works are emblematic of the minimalist movement, which advocates for reducing art to its essential elements.
